
Justin Redd

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06 Apr 2015

“According to [Rich] Jensen, issuing cassette compilations of a cappella singing was part of ‘the idea of propagating a resistance to the technically mediated way of consuming your lifetime, from going to school to doing your job and dying, to buying that house to being suburban to studying how appropriately you should play music, how you should entertain yourself and in fact, just leave it to some experts, leave it to some people who have the means to take care of some very expensive equipement who need to know what they’re doing, the idea of instead coming up with a strategy by which you might, through an act of breavery – demonstrateble, jaw-dropping, minimalist bravery – provoke people to see that there was a behavioral barrier, not a technical or financial barrier, to being up onstage and making the culture happen right now with you and everybody else in the room.’”

Michael Azerrad | Our Band Could Be Your Life | p. 460

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